Highlights from ASCO 2021 and from the ESMO World Congress on GI cancer 2021
BGDO Educational Programme (in collaboration with the BOhN)
Educational programme 3
The BGDO with the collaboration of BOhN are very honoured to announce its third meeting of this years' educational programme: Highlights of ASCO & ESMO World Congress on GI cancer 2021
Chair : Eric Van Cutsem ~ UZ Leuven
Co-chair: Marc Peeters ~ UZ Antwerp - BGDO chairman
Session 1
Oesophageal & Gastric Cancer.
Marc Van den Eynde ~ UCL Saint-Luc, Brussels
Colon Cancer.
Hans Prenen ~ UZ Antwerp
Followed by Round Table Discussion:
Karen Geboes ~ UZ Gent | Leen Mortier ~ Sint-Maarten Mechelen
Session 2
Hepatobiliary Cancer.
Jean-Luc Van Laethem ~ ULB Erasme, Brussels
Translational Research.
Jeroen Dekervel ~ UZ Leuven
Followed by Round Table Discussion:
Anne Demols ~ ULB Erasme Brussels | Alain Hendlisz ~ Institut Jules Bordet, Brussels
Closing remarks
Practical Info
Registration: free
Registered participants will receive the digital link to the meeting two days in advance.
Accreditation is requested
www.bgdo.org – [email protected]