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To EDUCATE lung cancer treaters to expand their knowledge on the use of the dual immunotherapy nivolumab + ipilimumab in cancer patients based on patient case presentations in an international live virtual pan-tumor ‘meet the expert’ setting.

Missed the previous ECLIPSE editions and want to watch (parts of) the meeting again? Check out the recordings by clicking here!


Welcome & Introduction
Dr. Paul Lacante (BMS Medical Director)
Dual immunotherapy: Experience in MPM
Prof. Dr. Arnaud Scherpereel
Dual immunotherapy: Experience in NSCLC
Prof. Dr. Martin Reck
Meet the Expert: Panel discussion
Meeting close



Prof. Dr. Arnaud Scherpereel

Prof. Dr. Arnaud Scherpereel

Dept of Pulmonary & Thoracic Oncology, University Hospital (CHU) Lille, France

Prof. Dr. Martin Reck

Prof. Dr. Martin Reck

Department of Thoracic Oncology, Lung Clinic Grosshansdorf, Germany



Welcome & Introduction
Dr. Paul Lacante (BMS Medical Director)
Dual immunotherapy: Experience in MPM
Prof. Dr. Arnaud Scherpereel
Dual immunotherapy: Experience in NSCLC
Prof. Dr. Martin Reck
Meet the Expert: Panel discussion
Meeting close